
This is the page to go to when you are either debating about e-readers, looking for free e-books, and basically everything with an  e- at the beginning. Hence the title "e-Everything".

Kindle - the Amazon e-reader. This was the one that basically wiped out Borders : ( It is the one I have and it is awesome. The e-books are slightly less expensive than the Nook e-books. This is the e-reader for practicality and books books books. Without the glitz and games. (Although, I do have this one game called Shuffled Row that is REALLY fun)

Nook - This is the BN e-reader. This has nearly the same prices on e-books as the Kindle but it is slightly more expensive. Also, this has games built in like chess and sudoku. This is the one that all the guys in my grade think of as cooler because they can't fathom the concept of there being an e-reader without games. My friends have these and they seem just as good as the Kindle, but I noticed that with the Kindle books being less expensive, the Kindle is probably the way to go if you buy a ton of books all the time like me.

All in all, I think that they're both good. I don't really know because I don't have a Nook, but judging by what I have seen of it, I like them both.

Oh and by the way, if you are worried about the whole but-i-still-like-my-paperbacks type thing, I still get normal books. Hence me being upset about the Borders-is-closing-my-life-is-over thing.